What Is The Best Way To Workout

What Is The Best Way To Workout

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The truth is there is no single ‘best’ way to workout or exercise at home, or even in a gym for that matter. 

When choosing what workout program to follow there are many variables to consider.

– What are your goals? 

– What equipment do you have access to? 

– Any nagging or chronic injuries? 

– How much time do you have to workout? 

The list is endless. 

Everyone is an individual, both physiologically and psychologically, which is why it is impossible to determine what is the single best way to workout. 

Simply put… there isn’t just one. 

Many people try to follow cookie cutter programs, designed for someone completely different than themselves, and wonder why they don’t quite workout as they thought it would.

That isn’t to say that those types of programs won’t work for anyone, just not for everyone. 

Imagine you have a job that requires you to work long hours or late into the night regularly. If you’re trying to follow a program that contains only workouts lasting over an hour, you’re probably not going to be able to sustain that program for very long. You’ll quickly find yourself missing workouts, not seeing results, and feeling unaccomplished because of it.

For some people, especially those who travel a lot, it may be difficult to follow a strict workout routine all the time. They may find that the best way for them to workout may be to have a more flexible workout program. If their goal is to just keep active and stay healthy, then any sort of exercise will be beneficial to them. After all, some exercise is better than no exercise.

So as you can see, there really is no ‘best’ way for everyone to workout. 

But, that’s part of what makes it so interesting. 

What to do

There are so many ways to approach a workout program and so much to consider when planning them. 

The great thing about exercising and working out is that there isn’t just one path that will allow you to reach your goals. 

A heavy back squat isn’t the only way to build up your quad strength, bench pressing isn’t the only way to grow your chest, and sit-ups aren’t the only way to improve your core. 

Those may all be foundational exercises of many programs, but that doesn’t mean they are right for everyone.

Find what works for you.

What exercises do you enjoy? (I realise for some this may sound a little oxymoronic)

What exercises feel good? (Again, I know)

What method of training is most inline with your goals?

These are just a few of the types of questions you might want to ask yourself before deciding how to approach your workouts.

To wrap things up

The point of this article isn’t to say that there is anything wrong with how you might be working out, it is simply to give you a few things to think about.  

  1. Decide how committed you are, and how important it is for you to reach the goals you have set for yourself.
  2. If the answer to that question is very committed and important, you may want to look into getting some help with planning out your program. However, if you are someone who just enjoys regular movement and exercise but doesn’t have any specific goals, other than to be active and healthy, then general workouts (as long as they are safely carried out) may be a viable option for you.
  3. The most important aspect of any program is adherence. It doesn’t matter how good your program is, if you don’t adhere to it, you will not gain the benefits you are hoping to achieve.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out. If you would like to look more into getting a custom program and how it works, you can click here.

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